Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pay Per Click Formula 2 Review - I Was a Beta Tester and Here's What I Think

By John Piteo
Pay Per Click Formula 2.0, created by Gauher Chaudhry, is an advanced course that teaches people to make money online by "traffic brokering" specifically with CPA (Cost Per Action) offers. This simply means that you buy traffic from the search engines and send that traffic to lead offers. The customer performs an action such as filling in their email address or maybe their name and home address and you are paid for each lead.
Gauher released the original PPC Formula Home Study Course around two years ago. Several millionaires were created by studying and practicing his methods. Things have really changed in CPA marketing since then. Many of the techniques in the original course have become obsolete, Google has tightened up on their rules, and it has become more difficult to be accepted by CPA networks; however, Gauher, a master at CPA marketing has stayed on the cutting edge of what's working in the industry.
Gauher has managed to stay one step ahead of the game and he is experienced in teaching others how to do the same. He has had a lot of practice helping members in his private forum become successful over the last two years. In his new course he shows you how to knock down the barriers of getting started and overcoming all of the hurdles along the way.
For the past several months he has been diligently working on Pay Per Click Formula 2. This is the long awaited update to the original version. Since I was one of the beta testers for this course I had the opportunity to see and use the strategies and techniques while the course was being produced. I have the inside scoop, so to speak.
Although I can't reveal too much about exactly what is in Pay Per Click Formula 2, I will say that it is much more comprehensive and powerful than the original. The first course helped many people leave their day jobs and helped a few become millionaires in a fairly short period of time. Version 2 has over three times as much content as the original. It also includes case studies and an action plan for each module that can be followed step by step.
Although, this is a step by step course it's not for everyone. It may not be well suited to beginners who do not know how to build a simple landing page or who have never tried PPC. If you have experience with these two things or your are willing to learn then this may be just what you've been looking for.
This article is an overview and there is only so much that I can say here. If you want to see my highly detailed review which reveals more of what's in the course and the type of money that some of the PPC Formula members are making visit my website here PPC Formula Review
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